Welcome to the 5 (BC) Artillery Regiment Foundation Museum and Archives

Located in Victoria, British Columbia on southern Vancouver Island off Canada’s Pacific Coast, the 5th (BC) Artillery Regiment Museum commemorates the Regiment’s role in the coastal defence of Victoria dating back to 1843 and of the role of coastal artillery on the Canadian Pacific Coast.  In 1956, during the Cold War and the development of Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles, the role of coastal artillery became redundant and the Regiment’s role converted to field artillery and exhibits about the role played by our soldiers on foreign and domestic operations since the Second World War are also highlighted.

The museum is located in the Bay Street Armoury, a ten-minute walk from the downtown core, and is on multiple bus routes, and has ample free parking.  For information about visiting the museum, please click here.

Complementing the museum are extensive photographic and document archives.  Work is underway to digitize these so that they can be accessed by the public through this site.  For more information about the archives and online collections, please click here.


Our museum tells the story of coastal defence and field artillery in a colonial and Canadian context.  This story spans the traditional and unceeded territories of First Nations whose ancestors have been resident on the land since time immemorial.  We recognize the ongoing presence, influence and rights of these nations within the community.

We pay our respects to all First Nations people and acknowledge Elders past, present and emerging.